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Gmina Dębno

Gmina Dębno is located in the southern part of Poland, along the national road No. 94, about 50 km from Krakow and 20 km from Tarnów. It is one of the seven communes of the Brest district. It extends over an area of 81 km², has about 14,000 inhabitants, and it consists of thirteen villages:Dębno and Wola Dębińska (here is the administrative center), Biadoliny Szlacheckie, Doły, Jastew, Jaworsko, Łoniowa, Łysa Góra, Maszkienice, Niedźwiedza, Perła, Porąbka Uszewska and Sufczyn. It was established in 1930 as a result of the reform of the state administration and a new territorial division of the Polish consisting in the merger of single-village self-governing communes existing since 1867 in the area of the former Austrian partition. Within the current boundaries, the municipality of Dębno has existed since 1973.

The national road No. 94 crossing the commune into the southern and northern parts is a historical continuation of the route leading from Krakow to Rus, which existed in the early Middle Ages. This was also the route built around 1785 connecting Lviv (the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, that is Galicia) created after the first partition of Polish in 1772) with Vienna (then the capital of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy).

The commune is located on the border of two geographical regions: the Carpathian Foothills and the Sandomierz Basin. The diverse and varied terrain means that for several years the tourist values of the commune have been increasingly emphasized. More than twenty agritourism farms have been established in several villages. Tourists are also attracted by extremely valuable monuments of architecture, small architecture, wooden construction and art. The most magnificent of them is the late gothic castle in Dębno from the second half of the fifteenth century. In addition, it is also worth seeing the late Gothic Dębiński parish church of St. Margaret from the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the neo-gothic church of St. Andrew in Porąbka Uszewska erected at the beginning of the twentieth century, a stone chapel-grotto of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes, also in Porąbka Uszewska. In the commune we will also encounter two other historic churches, a landed gentry manor from the early twentieth century, an eighteenth-century granary, wooden cottages and accompanying economic buildings from the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, old cemeteries and chapels and stone roadside figures, the oldest of which was built in the mid-eighteenth century.

Polish version:

Polish version

Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego 9.06.2024 r.
Załatw sprawę
Odpady komunalne PSZOK
transport publiczny
Hala Widowiskowo-Sportowa w Dębnie
Rada Gminy Dębno
Konsultacje społeczne
Odnawialne źródła energii
Przetargi - platforma zakupowa
Program Czyste Powietrze
System Informacji Przestrzennej
Tarcza Antykryzysowa
Pomoc Ukrainie